The short falls of pregnancy.

I have been away in Oxford this bank holiday weekend on a Hen party. It has been lovely to get away and the weather was near perfect but sadly, my endless sea of nausea stilted my enjoyment for most of the weekend. I understand I am not the first woman to have ever suffered with pregnancy symptoms but I cannot disguise my constant discomfort. 

The retching (never vomiting) has to be the worst. Since week five of pregnancy have I endured it. Morning and night. The only relief is to lie on my left side for ten minutes but of course that is not always possible, especially at work. I have always suffered with travel sickness but driving up and from Oxford with a friend has been a hundred times worse. Baby does not like cars and clearly neither does mum (!)

I have been told the sickness should ease up in the next few weeks but I am wishing it to end a lot sooner. All that I can do is stay positive that it is a good thing. At least my body is doing something normal and reacting in a standard way. Not that it is much more reassuring but it certainly helps.

Food aversion is not fun especially for someone who used to LOVE food. Surprisingly, I’ve gone off chicken. One of the blandest foods on the planet. It doesn’t seem to matter what you do to it, I think it’s rank! Weird. Very weird. I hope this doesn’t last long.

The headaches have become the newest symptom to appear. They are truly awful. Along with the symptoms comes the predictions. Many a folk have predicted it’s a girl due to the way I’m feeling but looking our scan there was a moment I thought boy. To be honest, we aren’t bothered. We just want the little one healthy and strong but nonetheless, it’s fun listening to people’s reasoning!